Christmas is over, your money has run out and daylight hours are short. It’s that time of year when many people can start to feel a little down in the dumps.

banish January bluesIt’s never too early or too late to find some self care strategies which can work for you. Mind offer some excellent tips on self care…

Top of the list is awareness of your mood and self esteem – know those things that affect you and spot warning signs early. Seek to always be in some form of contact with others as loneliness can be debilitating. Make time for things you love and that nourish you. And last but not least, look after your physical health.

Check out the full article here > and also take note of the contact details for some specialist organisations that Mind suggest, should you feel you need that little extra bit of support.

To make an appointment with a Rainbow counsellor, send us a message or call us on 07789 157 300.